Page 18 - Memoria 2012 - RECOPE eng

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Annual report 2012
On the 31st of December, 2012, Jet Fuel transfers from La
Garita; to Liberia (Daniel Oduber) summed up to 36 325.28
m3 (approximately 1214 tanks); 3.107.69 m3 (104 tanks
approximately) to Pavas Airport; 57.63 m3 (2 cisterns
approximately) of AV-Gas were transferred to Juan Santamaria
International Airport and 225.20 m3 to Tobias Bolanos Airport in
Pavas (7.5 cisterns approximately). On the other hand 94.18 m3
(3.2 cisterns approximately) of Jet Fuel were transported from
Limón to San José International Airport 775.26 cubic meters (21
cisterns approximately) of AV-Gas was transferred from Limón
to Tobías Bolanos Airport in Pavas.
Regarding the transport of the black product (asphalt and
bunker), from January to December, 2012 were transfered from
Limón to the El Alto campus place 6.458.58 m3 of bunker (near
215 trucks), 6.508.94 m3 of asphalt (217 trucks) and 483.64
m3 of Ifo-380 (approximately 16 trucks) the latter employee
occasionally in the boiler of the El Alto campus in substitution
of the bunker.