Annual report 2012 www.recope.com
Figures in thousand dollars
wages account for 2.6% of total expenditures. Payments for
import of oil imports constitutes the greatest expenditure
92%, the remaining 1.4% is composed of taxes and other, 3.5%
pertains investments and the remaining is distributed between;
transfers, debts and financial assets.
Non-personal services increased by 8% due principally to
the Moín port service bills, raw material shipment delays,
customs services, insurance, electronic equipment, patents, and
municipal taxes.
Figures in thousand dollars
The Materials and Supplies item decreased by 18% and is
reflected in almost every entry. This decrease is occurs in the
following items: Materials and metal products, materials and
mineral products, asphalt, spare parts, industrial chemical
products (for distribution and finished).
Other Expenses
As seen in the following table, the decrease in these expenses
was 81%.