The main challenge is the diversification of the national energy matrix
for incorporation of alternative sources of energy, such as biofuels, natural gas and
hydrogen, to comply with the National Development Plan and the National Energy
Plan. However, the main obstacle to achieve this is the legal framework that regulates
all the investments performed in these areas, considering that everythingmanaged by
RECOPE – as a government entity – involves public funds.
Regarding biofuels, there is important progress in infrastructure works to
incorporate fuel mixes, such as gasoline with ethanol and diesel with biodiesel and, at
an investigation level, there is motor laboratory for testing and an experimental plant
for the evaluation of biodiesel quality.
Also, important progress has been made in the development of
technologies regarding storage and use of hydrogen, through agreements with Ad
Astra, headed by scientist and former astronaut Franklin Chang, which will continue
once the Legislative Chamber approves a reform to the law, seeking to expand
RECOPE´S capabilities to facilitate implementation of investigation plans and
development of alternate energy or bioenergy.
Also, among the options related to the expansion and modernization
projects for the refinery, the possibility of including the production of green energy,
including bioenergy, arises. Thiswas accepted in the initial meetingswith China as part
of the renegotiation of the project, which for now remains at a standstill.