Annual report 2012 www.recope.com
Other Operational Investments
Operating investments include another 32 projects. A total of
¢5524.48 million was executed (US $10.94 million) (77, 89%)
up to the 31st of December, 2012, from an amended project of
¢7.092.44 million (US $14.04 million) its a 77,89%.
Regarding the executed “
amounted to ¢344.46
million (US $0.68 million from a modified amount of ¢505.27
million (US $1 million) for the project: “Warehouses and
Workshops Refinery and Distribution” with enforcement of
¢337.06 million (US $0.67 million).
In “
information systems”
is presented an execution of
¢1.067.670 (US $ 2.11 million) from a budgeted amount
at December 31, 2012 of ¢1.365.82 million (US $2.70), this
implementation is basically related to the following works:
* “Architecture and Backup”
with a performance of ¢378.38
million (US $0.75 million).
* “Architecture in Telecommunications”
with a performance
of ¢191.97 million. (US $0.38 million).
* “Mechanic Systems of Operating Equipments”:
million (US $0.26 million) was executed by December 31, 2012,
between others
“Machinery and equipment in operational and support”
December 31, 2012, were executed in April ¢4.160.04 million
(US $8.24 million), corresponding to 81.51% of the revised
budget for that program to that period which is ¢5.104.02
(US $10.11 million) in particular as regards:
* “Industrial Safety Equipment”
with a performance of
¢677.21 million (US $1.34 million).
* “Laboratory”
with a performance of ¢585.46 million. (US
$1.16 million)
* “Computing Team GG”
with a performance of ¢359.84
million, (US $0.71 million) among others
“Minor works in the Refinery”
This project was developed by Management of Refining. An
amended a budget of ¢3.195.620 million (US $6.33 million) was
available for the period. Total budget execution was ¢2.068.
05 (US $4.10 million) on the 31st of December 31, 2012: 18
orders were executed, five orders have been placed, one order
was received and is pending cancellation and 4 others have
been conferred. The project includes: acquisition of plant
engineering materials, replacement of anodes, racks, pipes,
valves, seals, impellers and other parts, for the execution
of works in the Refinery and Oil Port, along with electronic
materials and metals. The following is waiting to be conferred
under contract: internal maintenance tanks, measurement and
inspection services regarding the thickness of pipes and floor