Page 26 - Memoria 2012 - RECOPE eng

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Annual report 2012
“Daniel Oduber Airport Terminal”
The first phase includes: temporary transfer, facility
commissioning, decommissioning, soil remediation, designs
(civil, mechanical, electrical and instrumentation) and related
works. Phase II will include: the preparation of operating and
maintenance manuals, adjustment of all operational systems,
training, RECOPE staff training, delivery of final documentation
and drawings (as built) of the entire complex. The EDICA-
Hatch Mott McDonald Fuelley Cape Safe SRL consortium is
responsible for the supply, installation, construction, testing
and commissioning operations. These operations have a total
cost of US $16.994.000. The amended budget up to the 31st of
December, 2012, was ¢3.401.99 (US $6.74 million) and ¢2.841.58
(US $5.63 million) was executed. Phase prerequisites were
completed along with preliminary designs. Municipal permits
for moving earth and temporary construction facilities were
obtained to begin in January of 2013.
“Obsolescence Replacement Program“
The revised budget up to the 31st of December 2012 was
¢3.310.65 million (US $6.56 million) and ¢2.671.61 million (US
$5.29 million) were executed. On the 31st of December 2012
orders were executed via cranes, 14 were used in one execution
and one was left in the formalization and implementation
“Upgrading the refinery”
A revised budget until December 31st, 2012, of ¢1.215.88
million ($2.41 million) was executed for ¢924.80 million (US
$1.83 million). In the 31st of December, 2012, 5 orders were
placed and 2 of them have been allocated.
“Repairing Moin tanks”
A total of ¢84.06 million (US $0.17 million) were executed out
of the revised budget of December 31st, 2012 ¢100 million (US
$0.20 million). On December 31, 2012, the construction-work
was under contract.