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Annual report 2012
Progress was made with regards to the implementation of
an Integrated Management System for the Environment,
Health and Safety SIGAS&SI.
The implementation of the Integrated Management System
for the Environment, Health and Safety (SIGAS&SI) in RECOPE
reported a 60% progress according to the latest self-assessment
carried out in November.
SIGAS&SI is the combination of policy, resources, personnel and
procedures, these components interact in an organized manner
to ensure excellent performance in relation to Environment,
Health, Industrial Safety and effective management of the
company culture.
The system consists of 18 elements or processes related to
“Human” Factors (7), Methods (8) and Facilities (3), enabling
a comprehensive management of ISO, OHSAS and C-Neutral
Costa Rica regulations.
The self-assessment carried out last November 2012 estimated
a 60% improvement and determines a hierarchical series
of immediate actions for works that are 40% complete,
intermediate works, and works that are over 70% complete.
Functional supervisors have been designated in all cases.
A two level administrative audit was approved by the Board of
Directors for elements that have advanced the most and find
themselves at the “Implemented System”:
Enterprise level. Management System Self-audits and ISO
50001 Standards: Efficiency Management, Security, Energy use
and consumption. ISO 14064: 2006 Metrics, quantification and
reduction of Greenhouse Gases (GHG).
Facilities. ISO 14001 regulation audits: Environmental
Management and OHSAS 18001: Health and Safety
Management. This program will begin in the early months
of next year at La Garita, Juan Santamaría Airport and El Alto
campuses. It will then continue to the rest of the facilities.
All these efforts are aimed at enabling RECOPE to achieve
the standards necessary for INTE 12-01-06 “Carbon Neutral
Management System” accreditation in the year 2021, in
accordance with the goals of Costa Rica C-Neutral Country
Our purpose is to
ensure excellence
in performance on
Environment, Health
and Safety and
integrate effective
management of the
company culture.