Annual report 2012 www.recope.com
Two most important achievements of the integrated planning
of objectives and SAS goals are: RECOPE´s Emergency Response
Plan and the Environmental Management Program, which
comprehends commitments and actions that belong to
Environmental Quality Management, Energy Management,
Climate Change Management and Integral Waste Management.
Both of these have been approved and their implementation
has started. He said that; “For next semester, we have set
the goal of implementing a Safety and Occupational Health
Plan, that will allow us to establish a healthy environment, in
accordance with best practices recommended by the World
Health Organization and the International Labor Organization.
With monitoring and periodic evaluation of improvement
actions are expected viability for accreditation in the month of
June 2013. “We recognized the challenge of adapting to change
our organizational culture and adopting the” Best Industry
Practices “, especially” Operational Discipline “, which involves
design and develop procedures based on operational risk
management (including of course the risks Health, Environment
and Security), and then run these procedures diligently .
The health, safety and sustainability of our business does not
allow hesitation in the actions we must take. The required
changes will take place only if we internalize firsthand the
benefits of the system and transmit to other colleagues with
leadership and enthusiasm visible “... in a way that protects
the safety and health of workers, contractors, customers and
“For next semester, we have set the goal of
implementing a Safety and Occupational Health
Plan, that will allow us to establish a Healthy
Environment, in accordance with best practices
recommended by the World Health Organization
and the International Labor Organization”
Jorge Rojas
communities conserving the environment and achieving
continual improvement of its performance, safely, “as it reads
the text of the proposed new integrated policy Environment
Health and Safety for RECOPE.