Page 67 - Memoria 2012 - RECOPE eng

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Annual report 2012
Occupational Medicine, Psychology and Occupational Health
This initiative seeks to improve the quality of life of RECOPE
officials via necessary and required controls applied on the
people who work in this type of Industries.
A reorganization of the current worker care system is proposed
via this occupational medicine perspective by shifting the focus
to family care. This rearrangement would give our doctors more
time to engage in Occupational Medicine development in the
company and apply controls that are required in this type of
The Labor Psychology initiative strengthens collaborators´
control of Psychosocial and Mental Health Risks.
Purchasing instruments and measuring equipment for
Occupational Hygiene is recommended along with training
staff to use these and exercise the required controls in the work
The development and implementation of SIGAS & SI
Occupational Health Element System is required to operate in
the following three areas of action: