Page 16 - Memoria 50 Aniversario - RECOPE eng

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RECOPE´s new facilities are located in the airport terminal, with complete
systems for reception, filtration, storage, fuel ramp release, underground
pipes, hydrants and truck servers. A total simultaneous supply of up to
11 aircraft can be executed.
Juan Santamaria International
Airport´s New Campus
Fire Fighting Refinery System
This project focuses on placing pipes for the fire system so as to suit the
present and future growth of this terminal.
Budget execution up to the 31st of December of 2012 was ¢332.54
million ($0.66 million) from a revised budget of ¢473.74 million ($0.94
million). Culmination of the project occurred on the 31st of December of
2012 as the project´s physical progress had reached 100%.
El Alto-La Garita Oily
water separators