Page 15 - Memoria 50 Aniversario - RECOPE eng

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The idea is to expand the oil port
terminal towards the breakwater
area in the north of Moin Bay
by adding modern facilities. A
dolphin berthing structure type
will be used allowing berthing
ships of up to 80,000 tons
(deadweight). This is a key project
for the Company. A large sum
of money is wasted due to dead
freight and discharge delays at
Moin oil port. Progress was made
in 2012; Basic engineering designs
and service booth machine
designed. We
executed detailed engineering of
the access road (the construction
has begun). Channel dredging
was completed in the pier and
breakwater extension area; as
such, the contract progressed
according to schedule. According
to the company responsible for
the work (ICA-MECO), completion
is scheduled for 2014.
The goal is to develop an import
terminal to strengthen the Pacific
National Fuel System and reduce
the risk of eventual shortage
due to problems in the Atlantic.
It is also intended to improve
delivery to Garabito Thermal
Extension of the Atlantic Port Oil
Pacific Terminal
Power Stations. Oceanographic
studies are now being monitored
and guidance procedures are
being oriented to request funding
approval by the Planning Ministry.