Page 14 - Memoria 50 Aniversario - RECOPE eng

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The Expansion and Modernization
of the Refinery Project includes
the construction of a new
high conversion plant, with a
production capacity of 65,000
barrels per day, to be constructed
in partnership with the state-
owned Chinese company, CNPCI.
It have brought the following
1. Assured attractive returns:
allowing us to simultaneously
support the investment and
generate competitive prices.
2. The products will maintain
quality levels according to the
latest European specifications,
that is, standards that ensure
environmental protection and
rigorous than in the United States).
Emissions from this refinery
will meet the requirements of
environmental regulations posed
on industrialized countries, whilst
generating sub-products such as
elemental sulfur and coke for use
in different industries.
Expansion and modernization of
the refinery to 65 000 bbl/ day:
3. It ensures technical support
from one of the world’s largest
oil companies. There will be gains
in professional preparation and
career openings. In the same
way as the Chemical Engineering
degree was opened several years
ago at the University of Costa Rica
thanks to RECOPE.
4. It is a source of employment.
According to basic engineering
data, the construction stage will
require more than 2000 people
and 50% of these will be from the
national workforce. Additionally,
lots of indirect jobs associated
with construction work will be
5. Once the project is completed,
the plant will have 16 processing
units instead of the 4 major
units that were available before.
This will obviously require more
skilled national workforce to be
trained for the refinery´s efficient