patching paved roads, along
with an application signed by the
mayor, a municipal agreement,
identification and legal status,
map location and the work
schedule (with initiation and
termination dates).
The following restrictions exist:
Municipalities cannot apply for
new grants until they complete
the work for which a previous
grant was approved, donated
materials cannot be exchanged,
the destination of authorized do-
nations cannot change (even to
other paving projects of the same
municipality) unless there is prior
written authorization RECOPE´s
president. No authorization can
be given to municipalities that
have pending issues with the At-
torney General or the Contraloría
General de la República due to
some abnormality detected / al-
leged mismanagement of grants
authorized in the past.
RECOPE conducts inspections
prior to, during and after the com-
pletion of these projects, in order
to verify that the donated material
is used in the project for which it
was authorized.
Local governments must submit
a report upon the completion of
projects to RECOPE´s presidency.
The purpose of this is to allow
company engineers to perform
the respective control.