Page 7 - Memoria 50 Aniversario - RECOPE eng

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These benefits must be evaluated
and dissected in order to make a
final decision based on facts and
not on speculation.
All the information regarding this
mega project has been published
on the website www.recope.
com. All the details regarding
this project have been offered via
presentations to the communities
of Limon, visits to Costa Rican
businessmen, the Contraloría
General del de República (CGR),
the Peoples´ Advocacy, the
Public Autoridad Reguladora de
los Servicios Públicos (ARESEP),
public universities, development
associations, churches, unions,
(journalists, economists, lawyers,
engineers and architects), media
managers, the Fuel Business
Chamber, Limon´s Development
Agency, national media and
Limon´s media.
Queries made by the deputies,
the Peoples´ Advocacy and
the Contraloría General de la
República (CGR) have been
answered and will continue to
be answered until all doubts
regarding the project have been
cleared up.
Today, 50 years later, again
there is a new project for the
modernization and expansion
of the refinery.