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Annual Report 2013
This was the starting point for recommendations and
warnings issued to Active Administration, in order to
help improve corporate management, strengthen
the Internal Control System, avoid non-compliances
and minimize risks detected during the Internal Audit
Service, which could affect compliance with corporate
objectives and goals..
During the year 2013, as part of the Strategic
Plan linked to the managerial plan and the base
for the Annual Work Plan, the following significant
contributions were developed as part of the
operational, financial and technical sub-audits:
1- Recommendations oriented towards correcting
weaknesses and strengthening the operation of
Physical volumetric control within the company
(assess the timeliness of information, quality of
records and acceptability criteria for permissible
variations in inventory).
Security of the digital correspondence system
for the company (CorDigital), strengthening the
development and maintenance management
process for the system.
Follow up to studies regarding the implementation
of digital signatures for the company and
administrative and security documentation for the
Integrated Management System – SIG.
Communication, follow up and addressing
agreements for the Board of Directors, Public Bid
processes (planning execution, and reception of
works, as well as the Supplier Evaluation Module).
Compensation and wage incentives process
(Payroll, vacations and severance pay areas)
Management of resources in the Medical Center at
the Refinery.
Accounts receivable, advance payments to
suppliers (current regulations regarding payments
and invoicing for port services, as well as the
documentation for the Integrated Management
System process and calculations for the estimation
of service prices).
Accounts payable to the government (supporting
documentation for all transactions contained in
the Integrated Management System, controls and
account reconcilement for income tax, affidavits
and accounts pending payment), control and
recording of sick leave for company staff (HSISAS
Information System and documental support for
sick leave and control regarding recording and
Payment of traveling expenses with the country,
through wire transfer, for the Maintenance,
Distribution and Sales Department (payment
terms and document delivery to improve control of
budget reserves for traveling expenses payment).
Management processes:
2- Recommendations to the Subordinate Managers
to decrease risk exposure, regarding the following
Measuring of octane in gasoline (accreditation
and application of the method used to obtain the
octane value).
Physical volumetric control process for the
company (safety of equipment and systems that
record the volumetric control and Contingency
Plans), with particular attention to the condition
of tankers trucks for transporting jet fuel, access
and use of preventive maintenance programs for
SMAT instrumentation and the impact on financial
statements for the company with regards to the
volumetric adjustments performed.
Warnings regarding security matters in the digital
signature applied in electronic forms published in
RECOPENET, the payment management system
(SPG) throughSINPE-BCCR, and thedocumentation
of the main activities executed by the Technical
Support Department on the IT Direction.