In my capacity as President of RECOPE, I present to you
the business report, containing the results obtained during the
governmental period 2014, which includes the most important
achievements for the term.
I must mention that coming from an institution very close to
RECOPE, such as the Instituto Costarricense de Electricidad (ICE), I was
able to apply the experience gained from facing internal and external
modernization processes the electric field to the development of a
strategic plan that allows us to face the challenges for such an strategic
company in the energy sector, as it is RECOPE.
It is clear that these achievements obtained in less than one
year after undertaking the current Board of Directors that I have the
honor to preside, would not have been possible without the technical
support of highly qualified personnel, as I have found in this Company;
the role played by the professionals who have assumed the great
challenge of developing engineering works that require a high degree
of specialization, such as the LPG storage tanks, the new oil terminal
in the Atlantic, automation of loading docks and tankage works, to
cite some examples of fundamental projects for the attention of the
national fuel demand.