Page 54 - Annual Report 2014 - RECOPE - ENG

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Social Corporate
The main social responsibility undertaken by RECOPE is to ensure
national supply of petrolium products such as fuels and asphalts. During the last 50
years of existence, it has provided uninterrupted supply of 16 different products, by
developing a unique distribution system in Central America, meeting highest quality
standards provided in the national legislation, which inmost cases exceeds theCentral
American Technical Regulation.
Asidesfrommaintainingaservicesoldatcost, itpromotesthedevelopment
of the national energy network, complying with the National Development Plan and
the National Energy Plan, which includes alternate sources to diversify the energy
matrix, as well as savings and efficiency plans to reduce the carbon print and mitigate
the negative effects from climate change.
Given the foregoing, social corporate responsibility is visualized as an
integral program that seeks economic growth with social equity, environmental
integrity and health protection, surpassing compliance with duties and obligations
established by national and international laws and voluntary agreements. Below some
concrete actions executed by the company for effective compliance with its social
corporate responsibilities are detailed.
Communication with the main interest groups
Educational Programwith Corporate Projection
RECOPE provides various information services to clients, suppliers,
municipalities, elementary schools and high schools, the media and communities,
through conferences, visits, seminars, and information stands.