Page 61 - Annual Report 2014 - RECOPE - ENG

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Another efficient system that went into operation was the ventilation
for thedining area in theHernánGarrónSalazar Building, using solar power through
the use of photovoltaic panels. The project was promoted by the Department of
Engineering, who recommended installing three units in this sector (higher ceiling
point), focused on the area to refresh and remove food odors without the need for
electrical installations.
The Solar Star ventilation unit runs 365 days a year, from sunrise to
sunset. The photovoltaic panel placed on top of the slab captures energy from the
sun, allowing the ventilation fan operate without electricity consumption.
Environmental forums
As part of the X Environmental Fair, organized by the
Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), celebrated from June 5 to June 7,
2014, in Antigua Aduana, a cycle of seminars imparted by national experts were
performedprior to June4, focusedon setting the road for achievinggoals regarding
sustainability, climate change, renewable energies, low carbon transportation,
social responsibility, among others.
Engineer Paola Orozco Ballestero, from RECOPE´S Investigation
Department, presented the topic “Energy Panorama and Alternative Energies for
RECOPE”, which included aspects such as greenhouse effect gases and alternative
Also, the company participated in the “Intelligent Cities and
Sustainable Energy Development” forum celebrated on March 20 in the
auditoriumof theMunicipality of San Jose. The goal of this meeting was to analyze the
management tools that municipalities could use for sustainable energy development,
in the face of environmental and social challenges ahead. An extensive exhibition on
alternative fuels starting fromwaste was presented.
Also, the company participated in the “Alternative Energy Forum: A
contribution to the country’s competitiveness.” This was organized by the Chamber
of Fuel Entrepreneurs and was held at the Radisson Hotel. Among those present were
the Deputy Minister of Energy, Eng. Irene Cañas, President of Unión Costarricense de
Cámaras y Asociaciones del Sector Empresarial Privado (UCCAEP), Ronald Jimenez, and
the president of the Chamber of Fuel Entrepreneurs, Antonio Galva.
Additionally, the company participated in the V National Energy Congress
“Perspectives for the new government and tools for energy efficiency”, held on June
19 at the Radisson Hotel and organized by the Industry Chamber of Costa Rica.