Page 62 - Annual Report 2014 - RECOPE - ENG

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During her speech, president of RECOPE, Eng. Sara Salazar, stated that
the world is heading towards finding new alternative energy sources, but explained
that based on reality, it is not possible to abandon the use of fossil fuels in coming
She also explained the actions undertaken by the company since 2006,
when gasolinewith ethanol inGuanacaste and theCentral Pacificwas introduced, also
cited other projects as the experimental planting of Jatropha, the engine laboratory,
the biodiesel experimental plan, the hydrogen research project developed jointlywith
the company Ad Astra and studies for the use of natural gas.
Responsibility in health, environment and industrial safety
The company has adopted an Integrated Management System model
for Health, Environment and Safety (SIGAS & SI) based on ISO 14000 (Environmental
Management System), OHSAS 18000 (Management SystemOccupational Health) and
OSHA 3132 standards (System Security Management Process Chemical Industry).
Said legislation has emphasized the importance preventive management
of environmental pollution, occupational hazards and industrial safety, complemented
by RECOPE´S Energy Efficiency Plan, which implements cleaner production practices
in critical production processes, as well reduction, recycling and recovery of waste. The
ultimate goal is to certify RECOPE under the ISO 14000 and OHSAS 18000 standards.
Within this model, the enactment of the Comprehensive Management
Policy for Health, Environment and Safety (February 2013) was promoted and the
incorporation of its principles in the Environmental Management Program (PGAI)
which includes the Environmental Quality Management Plan, the Occupational
Health and Safety Management, the Climate Change and Energy Efficiency Plan, the
Emergency Response Plan and the Plan of Solid Waste Management.
Among the actions oriented towards the PGAI goals are the following:
Drill forhandlingwithspillsat sea:
: Thedrill regardingof spills at seawas
conducted in March, during an operation of unloading bunker in the port of Caldera.
The exercise was to practice handling the marine barrier in the harbor. This device is
part of the equipment used for handling oil spills at sea. Staff from the Maintenance
and Health Department, Environment and Safety (SAS) of the Distribution Department
at RECOPE participated in this drill.