Page 63 - Annual Report 2014 - RECOPE - ENG

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This type of drill is aimed at improving the skills of staff in the use of
highly specialized equipment and in accordance with the Emergency Plan developed
for this purpose.
First aid exercises:
Within the celebration of Occupation Health Week,
various basic first aid exercises were executed, imparted by Instituto Nacional de
Aprendizaje (INA), with staff from the Hernán Garrón Salazar Building. The course
included bandaging of injuries, resuscitation and rescuing victims.
Fire drill:
This activity was performed in June with the participation of
the National Fireguard, with RECOPE personnel integrating the firefighting brigades,
and drills were executed in the pumping station in Turrialba. The initiative to perform
drills was presented by the firefighters in the Turrialba and Juan Viñas unit, who
assumed this activity as part of their evaluated practice and the company acted as a
collaborator, providing a specific area within the facilities.
The event was previously defined by both parties, and consisted on a drill
with a fire to practice valve manipulation. This drill also included a scenario where a
person falls into a pit and breaks their left leg, hence, including first aid skills.
Cleanup and the fight against dengue campaigns:
E: In coordination
with the Regional Health Direction in the Huetar Caribbean area, the Direction of the
Ministry of Health in Limón and the Ministry of Health of Costa Rica, a cleanup and
the fight against dengue campaigns were developed, promoting an environment free
of the Aedes aegypti mosquito. For this initiative, RECOPE received a certificate as
an Aedes aegypti mosquito company in Moín and the Ministry of Health granted an
award for their active participation in the fight against dengue in all its Terminals.
International ARPEL workshop in process safety management:
At a
regional level, experiences in safety processes was shared with companies affiliated
with the Regional Association of Companies in the Fuel, Gas and Biofuel Sector in Latin
America and the Caribbean (ARPEL), in a meeting celebrated in our country during the
“Safety Process Elements” during March 19 and 20, at RECOPE´S Recreational Center,
in San Rafael de Alajuela.
Eighty representatives form ARPEL affiliated companies participated
in this workshop, such as Ancap (Uruguay), Enap (Chile), Pemex (Mexico), Petroperú
(Peru), Ecopetrol (Colombia), YPFB (Bolivia), YPFB Transporte, Petrojam (Jamaica),
RECOPE (Costa Rica) and companies like Repsol, Equión, Ocensa, Schlumberger,
Staatsolie and Weatherford.
The goal of this activity was to disseminate knowledge, debate and
identify key elements related to management of process safety issues in the oil