Monitoring, Control
During the year, a series of seminars on the Law against Corruption and
Illicit Enrichment in Public Service were given to staff in the Distribution and Sales
Department staff, in different RECOPE Terminals, with the support of the Training and
Workforce Development Department.
The overall objective was to provide staff with knowledge regarding the
law to prevent, iin order to prevent, detect and punish corruption in the exercise of
public functions.
Internal corporate control system
RECOPE, in compliance with the provisions contained in the General
Internal Control Law No. 8292, has maintained a constant improvement of the
Corporate Internal Control System , emphasizing its importance in the effective and
efficient fulfillment of corporategoals, according to the legal and technical regulations,
with due diligence regarding managed public funds and ensuring the protection and
conservation of equity and improvement of all processes involved.
As part of that strengthening process, it must be noted with particular
relevance the corporate risk management actions, which have been marked by the
development of a favorable culture towards the administration of all that, in one way
or another, may affect the achievement of objectives and compliance with goals. To
this end, improvement actions have been presented, for which the Internal Control
and Risk Assessment Unit (UCIVR) monitors at managerial level, in order to ensure its