Air monitoring agreement
In 2014, an agreement between RECOPE and the National University
(UNA) was signed to work on strengthening an air monitoring program developed by
the Environmental Analysis Laboratory of the School of Environmental Sciences.
The objective of the agreement is to establish the base for mutual
cooperation, which will strengthen air quality monitoring activities performed in Costa
Rica, in order to obtain timely and high reliable information, to guide decision making
in public policy.
The company agreed to provide, on loan, to the Laboratory of
Environmental Analysis at UNA, a mobile station to monitor air quality, equipped with
automaticmonitors formeasuring pollutants. The commitment also includes providing
the required supplies for the annual operation and maintenance of the station.
Human rights
A permanent Institutional Commission for Accessibility and Disabilities
(CIAD) works to ensure compliance with Accessibility and Disabilities Law 7600 and to
guarantee availability of services to everyone.
In order to accomplish this goal throughout the year, signs regarding
accessibilityHernanGarrónbuildingwas completedand theworkshop “accessible and
inclusive environment, (in the shoes of others)” successfully held with participation of
colleagues from different departments.
Also, 18 workshops for staff with the assistance of 228 employees
were also conducted. In addition to raising awareness regarding the national and
international regulations governing this subject, dynamic activitieswere performed for
staff to feel the reality of peoplewho are excluded because of their special needs, and
a tour was conducted by facilities using technical aids such as chairs wheels, crutches
and masks to recognize how they perceive their stay in the facility.