Page 68 - Annual Report 2014 - RECOPE - ENG

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On the ethics issue, there have been a number of corporate activities
promoted by the EthicsManagement Group, which is represented by the Supplies and
Human Resources Departments, the Planning Department and Communication and
Public Relations Department, the Services Comptrollership, and the Internal Control
and Risk Assessment Unit.
Among the activities developed the following can be cited: formation
of the agents of change team, development and diffusion of campaigns promoting
values and a sense of belonging among staff, information regarding corporate values
in the web page, definition of indicators to assess progress in ethics management, and
the design and development of a survey in order to collect data and asses knowledge
among workers about these issues and the current Code of Ethics.
Regarding Corporate Social Responsibility (RSE because of its Spanish
acronym), the Communication and Public Relations Department defined the actions
to come for awareness, with the participation of the technical departments, in such a
way that the control programs can be strengthened, as well as rational use of energy
and a reduction of environmental pollution, whilemaintaining permanent channels of
communication with the communities in matters of safety and prevention.
Other actions performed to strengthen the Specific Risk Assessment System and
the Internal Corporate Control System
As part of the tasks assigned to the Internal Control and Risk Assessment
Unit, regarding leadership and support to SEVRI Operations, the following actions
were performed during this term:
Risk assessment methodology was reviewed and updated, based on the
accumulated experience, in order to have a more effective process and to clarify the
terms and conditions for results communication.
The corporate risk portfolio was reviewed and expanded, particularly regarding
infrastructure projects.
A virtual internal control course was designed focused in RECOPE´s activities, to
facilitate new entry level staff training and updating those with years working with
the company. This course was imparted during the second semester to the general
auditor and sub auditors, area managers and directors, with an individualized
attention, facilitating the comprehension and understanding of guidelines issued by
the Contraloría General de la República, a series of exercises allowed the practical
application of the knowledge obtained.
UCIVR staff, have experienced closer interaction with aliaison officer of operational
managements, promoting their training regarding internal control and risk assessment,
strengthening follow-up for risk management plans.
The actions executed by leaderships and supported by the Internal
Control andRiskAssessmentUnit allowedthecreationof actionplans for improvement,
preventive and corrective actions, which will strengthen control and modify critical
risk levels to reach acceptable levels, according to the parameters established by