Annual report 2012 www.recope.com
In response to a request made by the Management of
Energy and Environment of the Contraloría Gneneral de la
Repú blica an evaluation was carried out in regards to the
company´s control process of the execution of construction
contracts and closing of construction contracts. The aim
was to determine if there were any gaps in comparison with
a model of best practices. Recommendation paths were
provided to General Management in order to strengthen
the company´s contract management.
Preventive Services Audit; the Administration was warned
about situations that could have an effect on the normal
development of company activities, particularlywith regards
to; a lack of actualization and a lack of internal regulations
that would guide the processes and responsibilities of
Human Resource Management; the excessive amount of
time required for processing internal and external tenders
aimed at filling job positions; the lack of information in the
hands of workers in need of filling out a Patrimonial Goods
Declaration; the sluggish implementation of international
financial information norms(NIIF); the lag in capitalization
of certain refurbishments in the Hernán Garrón building;
the lack of back-ups in Management´s Refinery servers;
a lack of maintenance programs in the work stations of
Administration and Finance Management, General
Management, and Management of International Commerce
and Development.
The Board of Directors was advised with regards to the
accounting of losses by evaporation occurring in the
handling of the hydrocarbon inventory.
As for books released, requesting the law, were processed
during 2012, 9 of them related to legal books Board and
Tenders, Bureau of Supplies.
Finally with regard to the activity of QA Function of Internal
Auditing (Standard 1.3 of “Guidelines for the practice of
internal auditing in the Public Sector and the Contraloría
General de la República R-DC-119-2009)” been updated:
Strategic Plan Internal Audit for the period 2013-2015, the
Universe Auditable for risk based process, the System for
Processing Complaints (Traden) and quality documentation;
was made: Internal Control Evaluation Risk and Development
Process Audit Services (Research), the self-assessment and
internal quality monitoring implementation of improvement
actions, all with the purpose of strengthening the efficiency and
effectiveness of management and contribute Audit to business
management by the recommendations contained in the reports
of the Audit Services, Warnings and Advisories that were sent