Page 51 - Memoria 50 Aniversario - RECOPE eng

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Guarantee Fund Workers with
input from workers and the
company, which in 1979 started
the construction and financing of
housing for workers and provide
financial credits to support
personal and family needs.
Just to ensure proper use of
resources, the first president of the
Fundwas RECOPE Internal Auditor,
Mr. Arnoldo Herrera Monge, and
the first counter / Treasurer was an
inspector of Internal Audit.
During the era of oil exploration
in Talamanca, community service
was given to the inhabitants of
the area, mostly indigenous, who
were given several as transfer
aids to receive hospital services
in Limon, built bridges and
roads were improved, which
had a sensible contribution to
improving the quality of life
of the inhabitants of the area,
besides the great contribution to
the knowledge of the country, in
fields such as seismology, natural
hazards, sedimentology, structural
geology, paleontology and other
specialties of the geosciences,
which served as the basis for
mapping of risk and vulnerability,
regulatory plans.