Page 25 - Annual Report 2013 - RECOPE - ENG

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Annual Report 2013
Pacific Terminal, Phase I
A report was presented to the Board of Directors with the analyzed options
for the import of bunker fuel in Caldera, which requires less of an investment and time
than the original single buoy project, as the financing is already present. Also, work is
being done in updating the financial assessment for the project, jointly with ICE in the
analysis of the legal viability of the options under study.
Regarding location, a meeting was held with ICE and the licensee in Caldera,
SPC, presenting the proposal for a new location for the fuel terminal in Caldera.
Technical and environmental viability is under analysis, as the land belongs to Caldera
Port, but is located within a protected area in Tivives.
Construction of two bunker storage tanks and two
asphalt storage tanks in Moín, in charge of company Saret de
Costa Rica, with a budget of ¢4,022.29 million. This is an IPC
contract. A total of ¢2,603.42 million has been executed.