Page 53 - Annual Report 2013 - RECOPE - ENG

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Annual Report 2013
As part of
the Health, Environment and
Safety policies, RECOPE externally cooperates with
emergency attention and continues training with
prevention exercises within the company. During the
year 2013, RECOPE´s participation should be noted in
the collection of diesel spill in the loading platform in
the Caldera Port, This incident occurred to company
Comsa in the month of June and in July, the first
response equipment participated in the attention of
another event in Route 27, when a tanker truck rolled
over, a short distance away from La Garita terminal.
Close to eight thousand gallons of fuel were collected.
The representative for the Fire Fighters Association on
the scene offered congratulations to our staff for the
work performed.
At a corporate level, various exercises for
emergency events are developed. One example is
the evacuation drills in the Hernán Garrón Building,
done on September 20, which was classified as
successful, with a reduction of evacuation time from
12 to 9 minutes, when compared with the drill done in
September of the year 2012.
Also, during the month of December, first emergency
response teams for RECOPE terminals in El Alto, Turrialba,
Barranca, Siquirres and La Garita participated in the VI First
Emergency Brigade Symposium organized by the Distribution
and Sales Department, successfully carried out in the terminal
of El Alto de Ochomogo.
The objective of the exercise was that the brigade put
into practice the knowledge and skills acquired in their weekly
practices. Various activities were performed, such as testing
the extinguishers, victim rescue applying the first aid protocol,
addressing a fuel spill, handling hoses, containing a controlled
fuel fire, as well as comprehension and application of the
Incident Command System.