Page 55 - Annual Report 2013 - RECOPE - ENG

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Annual Report 2013
The participation of the company for the
second consecutive year in the Health Fair held
on September 19, should be noted. This activity is
organized by the Municipality of Limón. Also, the
Thomas LynchLibraryBookFairwas heldonSeptember
24, where a thousand students participated of the
expo presented by various publishing houses. This
activity was organized by RECOPE and construction
company ICA MECO.
ECOROMERIA helped with an educational
campaign for waste management, promoting
solidarity with the environment, with the motto “Keep
your promise”. This year, 32 volunteers participated
in three waste collection posts, with classified waste
cans, located in El Alto terminal.
During the month of September 2013, a
group of individuals from the Engineering Department
and the Construction, Distribution and Sales
Department from RECOPE had an emotional retreat
with a group of low-income girls-teens and some
living in extreme poverty conditions, each of them
with their child, as part of a program called “Recycling
This activity took place in RECOPE
Recreational Center in San Antonio de Belén, with a
full day party, full of happiness, solidarity, hope and
recreation, for them and their children.
The participation in this activity went
beyond a Social Responsibility event focused on
community outreach, as it allowed them to experience
their values, such as solidarity, coming together for a
common cause, teamwork and giving unto others.
Employees from various departments
participated in this activity, including Human
Resources, IT, Development Department and General
Management, among others.