Assertive Communication
Mobile equipment and vehicle operators
were trained to provide them with the
necessary psycho-emotional tools to
have better and more assertive control
and response capacity while on the road.
They are taught to control their impulses
and emotions in the face of stressful
situations, and to behave in a manner
that serves as an example to other
From the moment that the Solis Rivera
Administration took office onward,
external and internal communications
management has taken precedence over
other matters, and general guidelines
have been established in order to
improve media attention, address staff
concerns, and foster a more proactive and
transparent approach to communications.
This led to the creation of a conceptual
frameworkwhichwill provide guidelines for
all internal and external communications,
in an effort to contribute to the fulfillment
of the strategic objectives, and in the
interest of improving the company’s
corporate identity and reputation.
The corporate strategy’s primary
objective was to revitalize the
company’s identity, regain public trust,
and emphasize RECOPE’s strategic
importance for the country.
To this end, contact with the press and
the media was required to position the
company’s spokespersons as credible,
reliable and responsible sources of
information, capable of regaining the
public trust.
In addition, a new corporate identity
(that is more in line with the company’s
current situation) was developed.
RECOPE’s graphic identity was updated
to be more in keeping with the company’s
technical and modern practices.
A series of informative advertising
campaigns were developed to address
certain matters, such as the company’s
quality assurance practices, the
company’s commitment to ensure
energy security nationwide, and the
company’s investment plan - which
is being carried out to guarantee the
uninterrupted supply of fuel.
Through internal communications, the
company was able to foster a favorable
working environment and shift to a
culture that is based on the values and
perspectives described in the 2016-
2021 Strategic Plan.
breastfeeding policies are becoming
more and more popular, and are now a
reality, in all sorts of public and private
Corporate Identity and Communications