scores, in terms of its obligations
to the MINAE, as regards to the
implementation of the PGAI.
4. Energy Management
Solar Energy use in the Moín
A number of projects
were developed – in the interest
of taking advanage of solar energy
and efficient lighting tecnolology to
wit installing and commissioning
a photovoltaic energy generation
system–andsubsequently connected
to the electrical grid that supplies the
terminal buildings with electricity:
the replacement of all sodium-vapor,
mercury and/or fluorescent lamps
with LED lights (in the terminal site’s
street lamps, oil pier and buildings);
and the implementation of an energy-
efficient natural lighting system in the
maintenance department’s workshop,
resulting in better lighting.
In addition a solar powered hot-
water supply system with the
capacity to store 2,400 L of hot
water was installed in the cafeteria
in 2016; reducing electrical energy
consumption by 60-80%. The
new hot-water supply system is
capable of saving over 12,000 kWh
per month, and of heating 2.4 m
of water. More and more energy-
efficient LED lights (for internal
and external use) and natural
lighting systems are currently being
installed, as part of the company’s
continued efforts to reduce its
energy footprint.
Steam Traps in the El Alto
MONARO S.A. carried
out a free-of-charge audit of the
company’s steam trap system
in October 2016. The results
show that there was a significant
reduction in the amount of steam
generated in 2016, in relation to
2014, falling from 1,790 kg per
year ($104 thousand/year) in 2014
(in accordance with that year’s
audit, which was carried out by the
same company), to 740 kg per year
($16.467/year) in 2016.
This improvement occurred in spite
of the fact that the steam trap system
has increased in size (due to the
inclusion of additional equipment,
piping systems and storage tanks),
and was brought about by the
corrective measures adopted by
the Maintenance Department of
the Office of Sales and Distribution
Management, which included
the gradual replacement of all
thermodynamic steam traps (disc
traps) for mechanical steam traps
(inverted bucket traps or float traps).
Electrical Installations and
Energy Savings
. Three capacitor
banks were acquired through
a competitive bid process and
installed in the pumping stations
in Moín, Siquirres and Turrialba. In
the interest of reducing the losses
caused by poor power factors in
the 300mm-long multipurpose
pipeline (Line 6), all of RECOPE’s
Motor Control Centers (MCC) were
updated to be in full compliance
with Act No. 7447 (Energy Efficiency
Act); representing savings of
$93,942.5 in 2016.
In addition, 137 solar powered
lamps were installed in places
devoid of electrical energy;
representing savings in energy
consumption of 27,400 watts.
These projects were carried out in
several of RECOPE’s terminals.
5. Business Continuity
and Emergency
Management Planning.
The Office of the General
Manager contributed, from a risk
management perspective, to the
development of a Manual for the
Business Continuity Management
System, and to the creation of
an Emergency and Disaster
Preparedness Plan. Similarly, the
terms of reference for the consulting
services that will improve the
emergency response capacity with
an emphasis on strategic exercises
were developed (ISO 22320 and
ISO 22398 standards).