Risk Analysis
Control Activities
During 2016, the corporate risk map was
updated, and the condition of certain
risks reached acceptable levels. This
was a result of the implementation of
improvement projects.
Risk management is aligned with the
company’s 2016-2021 Strategic Plan
and is performed both inmacroprocesses
(as required and for support) and
in subprocesses. In addition, the
Strategic Plan involves a series of risk
indicators to be monitored over time,
which is expected to contribute to risk
Moreover, the Risk Assessment System
was classified into five levels according
to the maturity model tool: novice,
beginner, skillful, proficient and expert.
RECOPE ranked in the basic level of
proficient; hence, improvements were
designed to reach that level fully in
Since 2016, the SEVRI is linked to
the management model for business
continuity, which promotes the
integration of systems and an improved
use of resources.
During 2016, the framework guiding and
standardizing process documentation
was revised and, simultaneously,
instructional materials were prepared
and updated. Additionally, documents
of general application, such as the
Business Continuity Management
Guide, Document Management Guide,
and Standardization of Correspondence
Guide, were reinforced and updated.